Z3bra Puzzle

Posted on Thu 06 June 2024 in programming

I occasionally encounter problems akin to logic grid puzzles in programming challenges or other contexts. I usually approach them through some ad hoc backtracking algorithm. Recently I decided to try and develop a systematic approach for solving such problems without reinventing the wheel each time.

These puzzles fall into the category of constraint satisfaction problems. I knew that tools like the SMT solver, Z3, could be used to solve such problems, but it wasn't immediately obvious to me how to go about it.

I encountered some difficulty finding examples or tutorials on this. But, I did find this post by David Cook which, along with the associated code, was very helpful in getting started.


First of all, what are the characteristics of logic grid puzzles, and how can they be described in a way that facilitates a systematic approach to solving them?

Broadly speaking, a logic grid puzzle can be characterized as a set of dimensions, each of which has a number of discreet values. If the puzzle is solvable, there are unique correspondences between the values of each of the dimensions. The goal is to explicitly determine the correspondences given a list of clues amounting to assertions that most hold.

The pen and paper approach involves representing the puzzle as a grid and proceeds by marking correspondences as either established or excluded using check marks and cross marks. For an SMT solution, a means of encoding the puzzle using the abstractions provided by the SMT solver must be sought.

The Zebra Puzzle

A classic example of this sort of puzzle is the Zebra Puzzle. Quoting from the Wikipedia article:

The following version of the puzzle appeared in Life International in 1962:

  1. There are five houses.
  2. The Englishman lives in the red house.
  3. The Spaniard owns the dog.
  4. Coffee is drunk in the green house.
  5. The Ukrainian drinks tea.
  6. The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house.
  7. The Old Gold smoker owns snails.
  8. Kools are smoked in the yellow house.
  9. Milk is drunk in the middle house.
  10. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
  11. The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next to the man with the fox.
  12. Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.
  13. The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice.
  14. The Japanese smokes Parliaments.
  15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.

Now, who drinks water? Who owns the zebra?

In the interest of clarity, it must be added that each of the five houses is painted a different color, and their inhabitants are of different national extractions, own different pets, drink different beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarets [sic]. One other thing: in statement 6, right means your right.

Z3 Sorts

In this puzzle there are five dimensions. The colors of the houses, the nationality of their inhabitants, the species of pets in the houses, and the beverage and cigarette preferences of the inhabitants. In Python Z3 each of these dimensions can be expressed as an EnumSort.

House, (red_house, green_house, ivory_house, yellow_house, blue_house) = \
    EnumSort("House", "red green ivory yellow blue".split())

Nation, (england, spain, ukraine, norway, japan) = \
    EnumSort("Nation", "england spain ukraine norway japan".split())

Beverage, (coffee, tea, milk, juice, water) = \
    EnumSort("Drink", "coffee tea milk juice water".split())

Pet, (dog, snails, fox, horse, zebra) = \
    EnumSort("Pet", "dog snails fox horse zebra".split())

Smoke, (oldgold, kools, chesterfields, luckystrikes, parliaments) = \
    EnumSort("Smoke", "oldgold kools chesterfields luckystrikes parliaments".split())

An EnumSort defines a new Z3 sort, similar to a type, consisting of the specific given values and returns references to the sort itself and constants for each of the values. The arguments are the name of the sort in Z3 and the names of the values.

Z3 Function Declarations

The puzzle makes clear that correspondences amongst the dimensions are all one-to-one.

In the interest of clarity, it must be added that each of the five houses is painted a different color, and their inhabitants are of different national extractions, own different pets, drink different beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarets [sic].

This means any of the dimensions could be thought of as a function of any of the others. For this approach, however, it is useful to pick one dimension as an independent variable and treat the other dimensions as dependent variables that are functions of it.

Many of the clues are stated in terms of the color of the houses, so I'll use that as the independent variable. That's why I've used colors as the values of the House sort. For each of the other dimensions, a function is declared from the House sort to the sort corresponding to that dimension. The Function constructor takes the name of the function, the domain sort, and the codomain sort as arguments.

nationality = Function("nationality", House, Nation)

drinks = Function("drinks", House, Beverage)

pet = Function("pet", House, Pet)

smokes = Function("smokes", House, Smoke)

Some of the clues involve the ordering of the houses. This is handled by declaring a function from the House sort to the integers, IntSort.

house_number = Function("house_number", House, IntSort())


With the sorts and functions declared, the constraints of the problem can be added as assertions. This is done by creating a Solver instance and using the add method which can accept multiple assertions as arguments.

solver = Solver()

The constraints will come from the clues and from the requirement that the functions be one-to-one. To start with a simple assertion, clue 2 states, "The Englishman lives in the red house." This can be directly translated into a Z3 constraint by asserting that the nationality function evaluated at the red_house value of the House sort must give the england value of the Nation sort.

    # 2. The Englishman lives in the red house.
    nationality(red_house) == england

Clues 4 and 8 are also straightforward since they involve statements about specific colors of houses, the independent variable.

    # 4. Coffee is drunk in the green house.
    drinks(green_house) == coffee,

    # 8. Kools are smoked in the yellow house.
    smokes(yellow_house) == kools,

Relationships between two dependent variables

When a clue involves a relationship between two dependent variables, the situation is a bit more complicated. Clue 3, "The Spaniard owns the dog," is an example. There is no function from Nation to Pet or vice-versa to characterize this statement. Nor is there is an inverse from either to the independent variable that would permit pet(nationality_inverse(spain)) == dog. Instead, a universal quantifier can be used to introduce a variable, h, of the House sort. Now it can be asserted that anytime nationality(h) is spain, pet(h) must be dog.

The universal quantifier takes the form ForAll(vars, assertion), where vars can be single variable or a list of variables. Owing to how the language is represented in Python, each variable has to be represented using a predefined constant to specify the sort. This is a bit confusing since the variable inside the quantifier bears no relationship to the constant other than the sort. With this in mind, clue 3 can be encoded as follows:

h = Const('h', House) # A dummy constant.
    # 3. The Spaniard owns the dog.
    ForAll(h, (nationality(h) == spain) == (pet(h) == dog))

The expressions nationality(h) == spain and pet(h) == dog both evaluate to values of BoolSort, either true or false. By equating them, the quantifier requires both to evaluate to the same truth value for a given h. Meaning, for any given house "the occupant is Spanish" is equivalent to "the house has a dog". For clarity I think it is worth defining a helper function for logical equivalence.

def Iff(a, b):
    return a == b

This provides a nice parallel with the provided Implies function that will be used later. With the ForAll and Iff functions, clues 3, 5, 7, 13, and 14 can be encoded.

h = Const('h', House) # A dummy constant.
    # 3. The Spaniard owns the dog.
    ForAll(h, Iff(nationality(h) == spain, pet(h) == dog)),

    # 5. The Ukrainian drinks tea.
    ForAll(h, Iff(nationality(h) == ukraine, drinks(h) == tea)),

    # 7. The Old Gold smoker owns snails.
    ForAll(h, Iff(smokes(h) == oldgold, pet(h) == snails)),

    # 13. The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice.
    ForAll(h, Iff(smokes(h) == luckystrikes, drinks(h) == juice)),

    # 14. The Japanese smokes Parliaments.
    ForAll(h, Iff(nationality(h) == japan, smokes(h) == parliaments)),

Note that the same dummy constant h can be used in all of the assertions.

The function house_number has been declared from houses to integers, but it is under specified. If the houses are numbered from one to five, left to right, clues 1, 6, 9, and 10 can be formulated.

    # 1. There are five houses.
    ForAll(h, And(house_number(h) >= 1, house_number(h) <= 5)),

    # 6. The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house.
    house_number(green_house) == house_number(ivory_house) + 1,

    # 9. Milk is drunk in the middle house.
    ForAll(h, Iff(house_number(h) == 3, drinks(h) == milk)),

    # 10. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
    ForAll(h, Iff(nationality(h) == norway, house_number(h) == 1)),

The assertion for the first rule is really requiring the house numbers to go from 1 to 5. The definition of the House sort already fixed the cardinality at five.

Constraints involving two variables

Clue 11 states, "The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next to the man with the fox." This is a statement about two houses neither specified in terms of the independent variable, color. This can be handled by using a universal quantifier over two house variables, h and g, with predicates smokes(h) == chesterfields and pet(g) == fox. When the predicates hold, the houses must have consecutive house numbers.

h, g = Consts('h g')

def next_to(h, g):
    return Or(
        house_number(h) == house_number(g) + 1,
        house_number(h) == house_number(g) - 1,

    # 11. The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next
    # to the man with the fox.
    ForAll([h, g], Implies(
        And(smokes(h) == chesterfields, pet(g) == fox),
        next_to(h, g)

Here Implies is used instead of Iff since the implication is in one direction only. Two houses may be next to each other without the two predicates holding.

Clues 12 and 15 are handled similarly.

    # 12. Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.
    ForAll([h, g], Implies(
        And(smokes(h) == kools, pet(g) == horse),
        next_to(h, g)

    # 15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
    ForAll(h, Implies(
        nationality(h) == norway,
        next_to(h, blue_house)

Bijectivity constraints

Finally, constraints need to be added regarding the one-to-one correspondence amongst all the dimensions. This requires all of the functions house_number, nationality, pet, drinks, and smokes to be injective. Given any two houses, h and g, if they are distinct, their images under each of the functions must be distinct. Because the house color has been used as the independent variable, it doesn't appear in the expression. Instead there is a requirement that the house numbers be distinct.

    # In the interest of clarity, it must be added that each of the five
    # houses is painted a different color, and their inhabitants are of
    # different national extractions, own different pets, drink different
    # beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarets [sic].
    ForAll([h, g], Implies(
        h != g,
            house_number(h) != house_number(g),
            nationality(h) != nationality(g),
            pet(h) != pet(g),
            drinks(h) != drinks(g),
            smokes(h) != smokes(g),


With all of the constraints added to the solver, the satisfiability of the system can be checked. If the system can be satisfied, the solver can provide a model which does so.

assert solver.check() == sat

model = solver.model()

Such a model provides explicit definitions of all the declared functions and can evaluate arbitrary expressions.

In [1]: model.eval(house_number(red_house))
Out[1]: 3

In [2]: model.eval(smokes(ivory_house))
Out[2]: luckystrikes

The puzzle asks, "who drinks water? Who owns the zebra?" These questions can be answered by declaring two constants of the House sort which are constrained to meet the two predicates.

# Now, who drinks water? Who owns the zebra?

the_water_house = Const("the_water_house", House)
the_zebra_house = Const("the_zebra_house", House)

    drinks(the_water_house) == water,
    pet(the_zebra_house) == zebra

assert solver.check() == sat

model = solver.model()

The resulting model can then return explicit values for the two constants.

In [3]: model.eval(the_water_house)
Out[3]: yellow

In [4]: model.eval(the_zebra_house)
Out[4]: green

If "who" means the nationality of the inhabitants, that can be answered, too.

In [5]: model.eval(nationality(the_water_house))
Out[5]: norway

In [6]: model.eval(nationality(the_zebra_house))
Out[6]: japan

The Norwegian drinks the water, and the person with the zebra is Japanese.


The full code for this example can be found in my github repository which also contains other examples and approaches.